Not my typical rant, but this post from a fellow Blogger really spoke to me. ( Not literally… I took my meds today.)

The Wifey regularly complaints about how the world in general has become a horrible place, in comparison to 30-40 years ago. Although I agree, I usually reply with the thought that, the world hasn’t changed that drastically… it’s just that with media accessible at our fingertips, we see, hear and read about more or less everything, all the time. And that’s what obscures our perspectives and skews our priorities of situations around us.

I think Morgan Freeman said it best (allegedly). I find it sad that NGOs and other organizations have to pour money into buying airtime on TV, at odd hours of the day, simply to promote their charities and campaigns to build schools in underprivileged countries. Whereas I’ve got TMZ and other tabloid ‘news’ violating my senses for hours on the weekend.

The world is what it is, for good and bad. However, being exposed to only one side of it constantly, for the sake of ratings / revenue, will definitely skew one’s perception of it. And this is coming from someone who’s studied Broadcasting & Film, before I start getting accused of being a ‘Media basher.’

a different daylight

I had planned to blog about something completely different today, but I didn’t get round to writing that post because I spent large parts of the weekend reading and thinking about the events in Connecticut on Friday.

I know this goes against my sort-of-but-not-really policy of not blogging about topical stuff (like that time I didn’t blog about the US election), but I just wanted to say a bit about the Newtown shootings, especially about the way these stories are reported in the media.

But what is there to say? Hopes, prayers, fears, things to be thankful for, things we should be campaigning for? I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know. There is, when you consider all you’ve heard, a blank horror which makes all thought impossible. The BBC’s North America editor said:

I really get the feeling of a country struggling to find an…

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